
Viewing Recent Technologies

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Demand, Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

All detected technologies discovered in recent web application scans are displayed on the Recent Technologies page.

Using outdated technologies introduces serious risks and can pave the way for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in order to induce harm to your system. That means even if your application has no vulnerabilities, the application will not be secure if it uses even a single vulnerable external library.

  • So, Invicti can track and report on issues to help you secure your third-party components, such as JavaScript libraries and off-the-shelf web applications, on your website.
  • These issues can be out-of-date technologies or vulnerabilities.
  • Invicti can identify these problems thanks to its vulnerability database package.

The Recent Technologies displays all technology issues identified by Invicti.

Recent Technologies fields

This table lists and explains the columns on the Recent Technologies page.

WebsiteThis is the website on which the technology was found.
NameThis is the name of the technology.
Identified VersionThis is the version number of the technology, as used on the scanned website.
Latest Branch VersionThis is the latest available branch of technology. 

For example, Invicti identifies your PHP version as 5.2.6. The latest development on this v5 branch is 5.2.17. Nevertheless, PHP’s latest version is 8.2.1.
Overall Latest VersionThis is the latest available version of the technology.
IssuesThese are the number of issues detected on the website, grouped by color into severity levels (see Vulnerability Severity Levels).
Last SeenThis is the date the technology was last detected on the website.
StatusThis indicates whether the technology exists and is currently used for a website.
The options are: In use and Not in use.
NotificationThis indicates whether notifications are enabled.

Viewing Recent Technologies

How to view Recent Technologies
  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  2. From the main menu, select Technologies > Recent Technologies.

Technology detail fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the technology details page (see How to view the details of a technology).

NameThis is the name of the technology.
CategoryThis specifies the category to which the technology belongs.
Official SiteThis is the technology’s official website.
DescriptionThis contains a brief description of the purpose and features of the technology.
Identified VersionThis is the version number of the technology, as used on the scanned website, including whether this version is out-of-date.
Overall Latest VersionThis is the number of the latest version of the discovered technology.
StatusThis indicates whether the technology exists and is currently used for a website.
The options are: In use and Not in use
NotificationThis indicates whether notifications are enabled.

In addition, the Issues tab displays a list of known issues detected in the web application.

How to view the details of a technology

  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  2. From the main menu, select Technologies > Recent Technologies.
  3. Next to the relevant technology, select Detail.
  1. Select the Issues tab to view details of the issues.
  2. If this technology has already been detected on other websites during other scans, an additional tab will be displayed, Websites. Select for further details.

Technologies notifications

A Technologies notification is triggered when the version database is updated. The Technology Version Database is updated periodically. And according to this new information, the Technologies are checked again. In the case of a version with out-of-date technology or other issues, a collective notification is sent for the website that has changed.

Notifications are enabled by default. You can configure notifications from the Manage Notifications page.

How to enable and disable notifications for technologies
  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  2. From the main menu, select Technologies > Recent Technologies.
  3. Select the technologies for which you want to enable or disable notifications.
  1. Select Notifications, then Enable Notifications or Disable Notifications.
How to disable notifications for Out-of-Date Technologies
  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise
  2. From the main menu, select Notifications > Manage Notifications.
  3. In the Out-of-date Technology row, select Edit.
  1. In the Status field, select Enabled. Disabled is displayed instead.
  2. Select Save.

Viewing a report on detected technologies

Once you have finished your scan, you can run a report on the detected technologies.

How to view a report on detected technologies
  1. From the main menu, select Scans > Recent Scans.
  2. Next to the relevant scan, select Report > Show Dashboard. The Technologies section lists all detected technologies for this web application.
  1. Select Detail to view the Technology Detail window.

Filtering technologies

Column Filters

All columns can be filtered, using a highly customizable combination of Fields, Operators, and Values. Each is explained below.

Filters & Values

This table lists the filters and values available for the columns listed above. Select an option to filter the list by that criterion.

  • In many cases, values can be entered into the value field; in others, the value can be selected from a drop-down menu.
  • You can enter more than one filter at a time.
WebsiteSelect to filter technologies by websites.Enter a value.
NameSelect to filter technologies by names.Enter a value.
Identified VersionSelect to filter technologies by their identified versions.Enter a value.
IssuesSelect to filter technologies by their issues.The drop-down options are: (Not Set), Yes, and No
Last SeenSelect to filter technologies by their last seen status.Select a date.
StatusSelect to filter technologies by their status.The drop-down options are: (Not Set), In Use, and Not In Use
NotificationSelect to filter issues by their notification status.The drop-down options are: (Not Set), Enabled, and Disabled
Fix TimeSelect to filter technologies by their estimated fix time.Enter a value.
Out-of-DateSelect to filter technologies by their out-of-date status.The drop-down options are: (Not Set), (Empty), Yes, and No
Website GroupsSelect to filter technologies by their groups.Enter a value.


This table lists and explains the Operators available for filtering columns. They work in conjunction with the Field, Operator, and Value.

EqualThis operator can be used for exact matching.
Not EqualThis operator can be used to exclude some results based on exactly matching.
ContainsThis operator can be used to include results if the filtered column contains the value.
Not ContainsThis operator can be used to exclude certain results on the technologies page.
Starts withThis operator can be used to filter for columns that begin with the value.
Ends withThis operator can be used to filter for columns that end with the value.
Less thanThis operator can be used to filter columns that contain numeric and date-time values rather than string values.
Less than or equalThis operator can be used to filter columns that contain numeric and date-time values rather than string values.
Greater than or equalThis operator can be used to filter columns that contain numeric and date-time values rather than string values.
Greater thanThis operator can be used to filter columns that contain numeric and date-time values rather than string values.
How to filter technologies in Invicti Enterprise
  1. From the main menu, select Technologies> Recent Technologies.
  2. From the Recent Technologies page, select the filter button () next to any header column.
  3. Select Clear to clear all fields.
  4. Add a New Filter.
  5. In the relevant filter, where relevant:
  • From the Field drop-down, select an option.
  • From the Operator drop-down, select an option.
  • In the Value field, enter a value.
  1. Select Apply.

Technologies FAQ

Q: What technologies can Invicti Enterprise identify?

  • Invicti’s technology feature is based on its Vulnerability Database, which helps us to identify out-of-date vulnerabilities. And, many technologies have at least one out-of-date vulnerability attached to them.
  • So, you can check this list in our vulnerability database to understand what technologies Invicti Enterprise can identify. 
  • Please note that Invicti can detect both front-end and back-end technologies.

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