Managing Targets

Managing Targets

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Demand, Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

The Targets page in your Invicti Enterprise account can be used to manage all the web assets you have set up as targets. This topic explains what information is available on the Targets page and how to edit, delete, and filter your list of targets.

TIP: For information about adding targets, refer to Adding a Target and Importing Targets.

How to view all targets

To view a list of all the targets you have set up in your Invicti Enterprise account:

  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  2. Select Targets > Targets from the left-side menu.


  1. The Targets page now displays a table with information about each web asset that has been set up as a target for scanning. The following information is displayed:
  • Name: This is the name of the web asset that you provided when adding it as a target.
  • Description: Any additional information about the web asset you may have provided when adding it as a target.
  • URL: The URL of the target. 
  • Results: A count of the active issues identified in the last scan of the target.
  • Last Scan: The date and time of the last scan of the target.
  • Groups: All the target groups that a target is assigned to.
  • Tags: Any website tags that were added when the target was created.
  1. Configure the table view according to your preferences. The following options are available:
  • Sort: Click on any column name to arrange the list in alphabetical order based on the entries in that column.
  • Filter: Click the search icon next to a column title and enter filtering criteria (Field, Operator, and Value). Click Apply for the table to update according to the filter you have set. More information about filtering is available at the end of this document.

TIP: The Scan button provides quick access to launch a new scan, incremental scan, retest detected issues, or schedule a scan.

How to edit or delete a target

  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  2. Select Targets > Targets from the left-side menu.


  1. Select Edit or Delete next to the relevant target.

  1. Make your changes to the target, then click Save, or click Delete to confirm deletion of the target.

IMPORTANT: When you delete a target, you cannot restore it or its data. Deleting a target will not recover the license used. If you have a question about licensing, we recommend contacting the Invicti Support Team.

How to use the column filters

All columns on the Targets page can be filtered using a highly customizable combination of fields, operators, and values. You can enter more than one filter at a time. This is useful for teams that manage the security of many targets. Each filter requires you to specify a field, operator, and value.

The table below lists and describes the filters and values available. Select a field in combination with an operator and value to filter the target list by that criteria.





Select to filter by the target name.

Enter a value.


Select to filter by the target description.

Enter a value.


Select to filter by the target URL.

Enter a value.

Last Scan State

Select to filter by the last scan state.

The drop-down options are:

  • Archiving: Results are archived with the scan is finished. 
  • Cancelled 
  • Completed
  • Delayed: For example, you can view which targets have scans that have exceeded the default Maximum Scan Duration limit of 48 hours.
  • Failed: To filter targets whose scans have failed for various reasons such as unreachable host and unresolvable domain.
  • Paused: To filter websites whose scans have been paused.
  • Pausing: Invicti Enterprise uses this temporary state while waiting for the completion of tasks.
  • Queued: On launch, Invicti queues the task to start the scanning engine. If the agent is busy with another task, the new task is queued.
  • Resuming: Invicti Enterprise uses Resuming mode to conduct some processes in between the Pausing and Scanning statuses.
  • Scanning: This is the normal status of a scan while it is going through the Crawling or Attacking stages.

Last Scan

Select to filter by the last scan.

Select a date.


Select to filter by the Target Group of the Target URL.

Enter a value.


Select to filter by website tags

Enter a value.

Creator Name

Select to filter by users who added the target(s).

Enter a value.

This table lists and explains the Operators available for filtering columns. They work in conjunction with the Field, Operator, and Value.




This operator can be used for exact matching. For example, if the list of results is filtered by the Target URL, it will not include

Not Equal

This operator can be used to exclude some results based on exact matching. For example, if filtered by the Target URL of, the filtered list of results would exclude scans for that target.


This operator can be used to include results if the filtered column contains the value. It does not matter where the value is. For example, you could filter for the word 'production'.

Not Contains

This operator can be used to exclude certain results on the Targets page.

Starts with

This operator can be used to filter for columns that begin with the value. For example, you could filter for Target fields that begin with the 'https://' scheme.

Ends with

This operator can be used to filter for columns that end with the value. For example, you could filter for Target Name fields ending with 'Staging'.

Less than

This operator can be used to filter columns that contain numeric and date-time values rather than string values. For example Initiate Time, Duration, or Finish Time.

Less than or equal

This operator can be used to filter columns that contain numeric and date-time values rather than string values. For example Initiate Time, Duration, or Finish Time.

Greater than or equal

This operator can be used to filter columns that contain numeric and date-time values rather than string values. For example Initiate Time, Duration, or Finish Time.

Greater than

This operator can be used to filter columns that contain numeric and date-time values rather than string values. For example Initiate Time, Duration, or Finish Time.

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