Managing Targets

Viewing and Filtering Target Groups

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Demand, Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

If you have a large number of Target Groups in Invicti Enterprise, it can be helpful to know how to filter to find the target group you are looking for more easily. This article explains how to view and filter the information available on the Target Groups page.

How to view all target groups

To view a list of all your target groups:

  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  2. Select Targets > Manage Targets from the left-side menu.

All your target groups are now listed on the Target Groups page. From this page, you can edit, scan, or delete target groups. The number beside each target group indicates how many individual targets are assigned to the target group.


How to filter target groups

  1. Select Targets > Manage Groups from the left-side menu.

  1. Select the search icon () next to any header column.
  2. Set your parameters using the Field, Operator, and Value fields.
  1. Click Apply.

The Target Groups page now displays your target group information according to the filter you set.

TIP: You can enter more than one filter at a time.


This table lists and explains the Operators available for filtering columns. They work in conjunction with the Field and Value fields.




This operator can be used for exact matching. For example, if you filtered by the Target URL, the filtered list of results would not also list

Not Equal

This operator can be used to exclude some results based on exact matching. For example, if you filtered by the Target URL of, the filtered list of results would exclude scans for that target.


This operator can be used to include results if the filtered column contains the specified value. It does not matter where the value is. For example, you could filter for the word ‘production’ to show all results that contain this word.

Not Contains

This operator can be used to exclude results if the filtered column does not contain the specified value. It does not matter where the value is. For example, you could filter for the word ‘production’ to show all results that do not contain this word.

Starts with

This operator can be used to filter for targets that begin with the specified value. For example, you could filter for target fields that begin with the ‘https://’ scheme.

Ends with

This operator can be used to filter for targets that end with the specified value. For example, you could filter for Target Name fields ending with ‘Staging’.