Invicti Enterprise Settings

Cloud Provider Settings

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

In Invicti Enterprise, Scan Agents are usually installed manually by users, and the host machines of those Scan Agents need to be kept running in order to run a Scan with an Agent on those machines.

When a Cloud Provider is configured, Invicti Enterprise will also scale the Scan Agents. This means that when a scan is started, Invicti Enterprise automatically starts an instance, runs the scan, and then terminates that instance.

Currently, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the only supported Cloud Provider. For more information, refer to Configuring Invicti Enterprise for Amazon Web Services.

This article explains how to enable cloud integration on the Cloud Provider Settings page.

NOTE: Cloud Provider Settings are only available in Invicti Enterprise On-Premises. For further information, refer to Comparing Invicti Editions. 

Configuring Cloud Provider settings

Follow the instructions below to set up cloud integration in Invicti Enterprise On-Premises.

How to enable Cloud Integration

  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  2. From the main menu, select Settings > Cloud Provider.
  3. Select the Cloud Integration checkbox. Additional fields are displayed.
  4. Select your preferred AWS Authentication Method. (Access Key or IAM Role)
  5. Complete the fields. Refer to the table in the Cloud Provider Settings Fields section below for information about each of the fields.
  6. Click Save.

Cloud Provider Settings Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the Cloud Provider Settings page.



AWS Authentication Method

Choose to use AWS Access/Secret Keys or IAM (Identity and Access Management) Roles to create and assign specific permissions that allow trusted identities, such as workforce identities and applications, to perform actions in AWS.

Website Access Key

This is the access key of a Web Application-specific AWS IAM user.

Website Secret Key

This is the secret key of a Web Application-specific AWS IAM user.

Agent Access Key

This is the access key of an Agent-specific AWS IAM user.

Agent Secret Key

This is the secret key of an Agent-specific AWS IAM user.

Access keys and secret keys are special tokens that allow our services to communicate with your AWS account through AWS API. They are not mandatory fields when the IAM role is selected.

Deployment Bucket Name

This is the name of the cloud storage bucket (S3) used for deployed binaries storage.

Region Endpoint Name

These are the regions that can be used while constructing the AWS client e.g. us-east-1.

Scan Data Bucket Name

This is the name of the cloud storage bucket (S3) used for scan data storage.

Screenshot Bucket Name

This is the name of the cloud storage bucket (S3) used for storing screenshots.

EC2 Agent Image ID

This is the AWS EC2 Agent image ID.

EC2 Agent Instance Assigned Name

This is the Name Tag of the created AWS EC2 Agent instance.

EC2 Agent Instance Security Group

This is the AWS EC2 Agent instance security group name.

EC2 Agent InstanceType

This is the AWS EC2 Agent instance type name used in scans, for example, 'm5.large'.

EC2 Subnet ID

This is the AWS EC2 Agent VPC Subnet ID.

EC2 Agent IAM Profile ARN

This is the IAM Role in AWS. (Optional)

EC2 Key Pair Name

This is the name of the key pair used when launching EC2 instances.

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