Invicti Standard Options

Enterprise Integration

This document is for:
Invicti Standard

You can integrate Invicti Standard with Invicti Enterprise and Acunetix 360. So, you can upload scan(s) from Invicti Standard to Invicti Enterprise and/or Acunetix 360.

You will need to have your Enterprise information, including your User ID and API Token, and test the connection. For Invicti Enterprise, see API Settings. For Acunetix 360, see API Settings.

Enterprise Integration Settings

Here is a table with a list of the Enterprise Integration Settings and Information.




This disables the ability of Invicti Standard to upload scan(s) to Invicti Enterprise.

Invicti Enterprise

This enables Invicti Standard to upload scan(s) Invicti Enterprise On-Demand.

Acunetix 360

This enables Invicti Standard to upload scan(s) Acunetix 360.

On-Premises Installation

This enables Invicti Standard to upload scan(s) the On-Premises Installation of Invicti Enterprise or Acunetix 360.

Upload finished scans to [Product Name] automatically

This enables finished scan(s) in Invicti Standard to upload automatically to your product, such as Invicti Enterprise or Acunetix 360.


This sets your geographical region:

  • US
  • EU
  • CA

This information is only required for Invicti Enterprise On-Demand integration.

User ID

This is your User ID

API Token

This is your API Token

Test Connection

This enables you to test the connection between Invicti Standard and your enterprise product.

You can download Invicti Standard from Invicti Enterprise or Acunetix 360 UI. Want to download Invicti Standard from Invicti Enterprise? See Downloading Invicti Standard from Invicti Enterprise.
Using Acunetix 360? See How To Download Invicti Standard from Acunetix 360.

How to Configure Enterprise Integration Settings in Invicti Standard

  1. Open Invicti Standard.
  2. In the Home tab, select Options > Enterprise Integration.
  3. From the Enterprise Integration Settings, select an option:
    • Invicti Enterprise
    • Acunetix 360
    • On-Premises Installation
  1. In the [Product Name] Information section, configure the connection:
    • Select the Upload finished Scans to [Product Name] automatically, if necessary.
    • From the Region, select the relevant option.
    • If the On-Premises Installation is selected in the 3rd step, from the Enterprise Type, select Invicti Enterprise or Acunetix 360 and enter Server URL.
    • Enter User ID and API Token.
  1. Select Test Connection to make sure that the integration works.
  2. Select Apply and OK.

Exporting the scan results from Invicti Standard to Invicti Enterprise? See Exporting Scans to Invicti Enterprise.

Using Acunetix 360? See Exporting Scans to Acunetix 360.

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