Team Administrator role

Assigning roles to a specific member

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Demand, Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

As a Team Administrator, you have the authority to designate roles and target groups for the teams or individual members under your supervision. This document outlines the steps for assigning roles and target groups to individual team members.

How to assign roles to a specific member

NOTE: Team Administrators can assign roles to team members only if they already hold those roles themselves.

  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise as a Team Administrator.
  2. From the side menu, select Team > Manage Members.
  3. Identify the Member you wish to make changes to, and click Edit.

  1. Scroll down to the Direct Roles panel and click + Assign Role.

  1. In the Role Assignments dialog, select the Roles, Target Groups, and Limiting Permission Roles you wish to assign to the team members.


Without the Team Administrator role for a specific Target Group, you won't have the ability to:

  • Allocate permissions to your team
  • Allocate permissions to any members of your team
  • Manage access to the Target Group for your team
  • Manage access to the Target Group for members of your team

  1. Click Assign Role to save and close the window.

  1. Click Save below the panels for Roles and Teams.

The Member is now assigned to the roles and target groups you selected for them.

To assign roles to a team, consult the Assigning roles to a team document.

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