Types of Reports

Trend Matrix Report

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Demand, Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

The Trend Matrix Report provides correlated, trending data about the status of those vulnerabilities identified in your web application across several scans and enables you to easily track changes in the web application.

Invicti Enterprise automatically begins to collate the Trend Matrix Report when you run more than one scan on the same target web application.

The Trend Matrix Report provides:

  • An overview of  the evolving threats to your website, at a glance
  • Detailed information on vulnerabilities, such as when it was found, when it was fixed, and whether the same vulnerability was found again in subsequents scans
  • Scans listed in chronological order to make it easier for you to monitor the changes in your web application over time and track the progress and work of your developers
  • Vulnerabilities grouped by severity, so that you can see mission-critical vulnerabilities immediately and begin to prioritize them
  • The Trend Matrix Report addresses both technical and non-technical users, providing either a summary of the changing security status or access to detailed technical details of all vulnerabilities.

In the Invicti Standard edition, you can run this type of report manually (see Comparison Report).

Severity filter

The Trend Matrix Report is interactive. Using the Severity Filter, you can select to view only critical or high severity issues, for example.

For more information, see Vulnerability Severity Levels.

Scan Group filter

You can filter the Trend Matrix Report via the scan group drop-down. You can view the report based on the scan group. To filter, there should be more than one scan group. For further information, see Scan Groups in Invicti Enterprise.

Trend Matrix Scan Group Filter Screen

Vulnerability summary

This section provides a summary of information about each discovered vulnerable URL and categorizes them based on severity. For example, if Invicti determines a vulnerability as Critical, it requires immediate attention.

This table lists and explains the columns in the Vulnerability Summary.




This shows the importance level of identified vulnerability.

For more information, see Vulnerability Severity Levels.


This shows the address of the scanned web application.


This is the variable used to identify the issue.


This is the HTTP method of the request in which Invicti sent the payload.
It demonstrates what Invicti deployed in order to identify an issue.


This is the issue identified by Invicti.

Date and Time

This shows when a scan was run.

  • New: This indicates that this issue has been identified for the first time.
  • Not Found: This indicates Invicti had not found this vulnerability in that scan
  • Not Fixed: This indicates the vulnerability has not been fixed.
  • Fixed: This indicates the vulnerability has been fixed.
  • Revived: This indicates that the issue had been fixed in previous scans but revived again. 
 How to view the Trend Matrix Report in Invicti Enterprise
  1. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  2. From the main menu, select Scans > Recent Scans.
  3. In the Website column click the name of the relevant scan. 
  4. From the Scan Summary Dashboard, click Trend Matrix Report. The Trend Matrix Report for this website is displayed.

A Trend Matrix Report Image

Invicti Enterprise generates a Trend Matrix report when a website was scanned more than once.

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