
Integrating Invicti Enterprise with Mattermost

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Demand, Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

Mattermost is an open-source, flexible, and messaging platform that enables secure team collaboration. Mattermost is a Slack alternative, and from a Invicti Enterprise viewpoint, its integration procedure works like Slack. A new incoming webhook is created as a Mattermost instance. It is then pasted into the Invicti Enterprise Mattermost integration

For further information, see What Systems Does Invicti Integrate With?.

How to Integrate Invicti Enterprise with Mattermost
  1. Go to Incoming Webhooks in Mattermost.
  2. From the main menu, click Integrations, then Incoming Webhooks.
  3. Select Add Incoming Webhook
  1. Enter the Title (name) of the webhook
  2. Enter the Description of the webhook. (The description can be up to 500 characters.)
  3. From the drop-down, choose the Channel to receive webhook payloads.
  4. Select Save to create the webhook. The Incoming Webhooks window is displayed.
  1. In the Webhook URL field, select Copy. (You will need this URL later.)
  2. Log in to Invicti Enterprise.
  3. From the main menu, select Integration New Integration.
  1. From the Communication section, select Mattermost
  1. Copy and paste the WebHook URL you created in Mattermost into the WebHook URL field in Invicti.
  2. Select Create Sample Issue to confirm that Invicti can connect to the configured system and create a sample issue.
  3. Select Save to save the integration.
How to export reported vulnerabilities to projects in Mattermost

There are several ways to send issues to Mattermost with Invicti Enterprise:

  • Once notifications have been configured, you can configure Invicti Enterprise to automatically send vulnerabilities after scanning has been completed (see How to Configure a Notification to Report Vulnerabilities to an Issue Tracking System).
  • You can send one or more issues the Issues window:
    • You must have Manage Issue permission,
    • From the main menu, select Issues, then All Issues
    • From the Issues page, select one or more issues you want to send.
    • Select Send To Mattermost.

A pop-up is displayed, with a link to the issue you have sent to Mattermost. If there is an error, this information will be displayed instead.

  • You can send an issue from the Recent Scans page:
    • From the main menu, select Scans > Recent Scans.
  • Next to the relevant scan, select Report
  • Scroll down to the Technical Report section.
  • From the list of detected vulnerabilities, click to select an issue and display its details.
  • Select Send To Mattermost.

If you have previously submitted this vulnerability to Mattermost, it will already be accessible. You cannot submit the same issue twice.