Working With Issues

Tagging in Invicti Enterprise

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Demand, Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

In Invicti Enterprise, you can tag scans, targets, discovered websites, and issues to give additional context. Tagging also allows for easy viewing, grouping, improved search functionality, and better organization within the user interface.

This document explains how tagging works in Invicti Enterprise and how to tag scans, targets, discovered websites, and issues.

How tagging works

Tags can consist of a single word or a name and a value, separated with a colon (name:value). These 'two-component' tags make it possible to organize/categorize tags within themselves.

Tag categories

There are four tag categories: 

  • Scan tags
  • Target tags
  • Target group tags
  • Issue tags

For each tag category, you can add a maximum of 20 tags. Separate tags with a comma, for example: Staging, Urgent:Rest, Jira.

Viewing tags

Any tags you apply will be visible on the respective recent scans, targets, manage groups, and all issues pages. When viewing these pages, 'Tags' is one of the column headers, which can be used for filtering the displayed information. Hover over the tags to view all associated tags.

Tags also appear in reports, such as the Detailed Scan Report and Technical Report.

How to tag scans

You can add tags when creating a new scan, new group scan, or new scheduled scan. Tags are added to the Scan Tags field when configuring the scan settings.

After adding tags and launching a scan, the scan will appear on the Scans > Recent Scans page where the tags you applied will be listed in the Tags column. Hover over the tags to view all associated tags.

How to tag targets

Tags for targets are entered in the Tags field when adding a target and in the Website Tags field when importing targets. When creating target groups, add tags to the Target Group Tags field. You can also edit targets and target groups to add or remove tags.

NOTE: When importing targets and adding tags, all tags entered will be applied to all imported targets.

After adding tags to your targets, they will be visible on the Targets > Targets page. For target groups, select Targets > Manage Groups. Hover over the tags to view all associated tags.

TIP: Go to Scans > Recent Scans and select Report next to a scan. On the Scan Summary page, scroll down to view all scan, target, and target group tags that have been added.

How to tag discovered websites

  1. Select Discovery > Discovered Websites from the left-side menu.
  2. Click the three dots icon to the right of a discovered website in the table and select Add / Edit Tag.

  1. Add tags, separated by commas, then click Save.

IMPORTANT: If you create multiple targets using the discovered websites, any tags you entered on the Discovered Websites page will be lost.

How to tag issues

  1. Select Issues > All Issues from the left-side menu.
  2. Click the checkbox on the left of any issue you want to tag, then click Edit.


  1. In the Update section, enter tags in the Issue Tags field, then click Save. 

NOTE: When viewing the All Issues page and filtering by a specific tag, you will only see issues associated with that tag. You will not see scans or targets that may have the same tag.

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