Because your most vulnerable web assets are the ones you don’t know about

Regardless of your organization’s size, you’re bound to have web assets that are lost, undocumented, or unauthorized. These unknown web assets are security blind spots, exposing your company to potentially catastrophic risks.

Invicti automatically and continuously discovers your organization’s web assets. Working in the background, our crawler and API discovery tools are always on, scanning for vulnerabilities everywhere you could be attacked: every website, application, API, and web service – even the virtual servers in your AWS cloud environment.

Find every web asset that could be attacked

It only takes one forgotten web asset to put your whole organization at risk.

That’s why Invicti automatically scans for unknown assets. The app discovery engine works by detecting web-facing assets that are associated with or used by your organization, and our API discovery engine helps you find all known and undocumented APIs via network traffic analysis, API Management system integrations, and cloud environment scanning. Now that you know your attack surface, you can make informed decisions about how to protect it.

Reduce your attack surface

Your discovery results may reveal old assets that no longer serve any purpose, such as a marketing site from an ancient campaign. While these assets no longer have any value, they still put your organization at risk.

Once you get your first discovery results, you may decide to decommission old test application deployments or other web assets you no longer need. Now you’ve reduced your attack surface before you’ve even run your first vulnerability scan.

Get your results in seconds

Your results come in a matter of seconds, thanks to the app discovery engine’s proprietary, optimized database of global web assets. The discovery engine uses your company domain as a starting point. From there, you can fine-tune the discovery process to exclude specific results or manually add domains.

Keep a complete web inventory

Maintaining an inventory of web-facing assets and their owners is a security best practice. That’s because a complete, up-to-date inventory helps you find opportunities to minimize your attack surface — and streamline issue resolution.

Invicti makes it easy to maintain your web asset inventory. You can use Invicti as your single source of truth for your inventory, or simply export your discovery results into your inventory management system. And with automatic updates, you can be sure that newly added assets won’t get missed.

See how Invicti makes it easier to secure
thousands of web assets

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