NS-12-013 | Cross-site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Clipbucket


Advisory by Netsparker (now Invicti)
Name: XSS Vulnerabilities in ClipBucket
Software: ClipBucket 2.6 and possibly below.
Vendor Homepage: http://clip-bucket.com
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Severity: Critical
Researcher:  Canberk Bolat
Advisory Reference:  NS-12-013


ClipBucket is an OpenSource Multimedia Management Script Provided Free to the Community. This script comes with all the bells & whistles required to start your own Video Sharing website like Youtube, Metacafe, Veoh, Hulu or any other top video distribution application in matter of minutes. ClipBucket is fastest growing script which was first started as Youtube Clone but now its advance features & enhancements makes it the most versatile, reliable & scalable media distribution platform with latest social networking features, while staying light on your pockets. Whether you are a small fan club or a big Multi Tier Network operator, Clipbucket will fulfill your video management needs.


ClipBucket is affected by XSS vulnerabilities in version 2.6

  • Params: (cat, sort, time, seo_cat_name, cat, sort, time, page, seo_cat_name)
  • Files: (channels.php, collections.php, groups.php, photos.php, videos.php)
  • signup.php (POST: username)

Learn more about Cross-Site Scripting:


No fix.

Advisory Timeline

05/12/2011 – First Contact
03/01/2012 – Second Contact – No Reply
19/10/2012 – Advisory Released


It has been discovered on testing of Invicti.


  1. MSL Advisory Link: /web-applications-advisories/xss-vulnerabilities-in-clipbucket/
  2. Invicti Advisories: /web-applications-advisories/

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Invicti Security is transforming the way web applications are secured. Invicti empowers organizations in every industry to scale their overall security operations, make the best use of their security resources, and engage developers in helping to improve their overall security posture.