Open Redirection Vulnerability in OpalCMS


AAdvisory by Netsparker (now Invicti)
Name: Open Redirection Vulnerability in OpalCMS
Software: OpalCMS 0.9.1 and possibly below.
Vendor Homepage: 
Vulnerability Type: Open Redirection
Severity: Medium
Researcher: Omar Kurt
Advisory Reference: NS-13-005


Opal is a powerful Item & Content Management System powered by Ruby on Rails. You can use Opal for blogging, listing items, storing files/images/videos, or for powering any awesome website.


Opal is affected by Open Redirection vulnerability in version 0.9.1.


You can read the full article about Open Redirection vulnerabilities from here:


Advisory Timeline

30/04/2013 – First contact
01/05/2013 – Second contact – Sent the vulnerability details
01/05/2013 – OpalCMS replied
24/07/2013 – Third contact – No response
01/08/2013 – Advisory Released


It haIt has been discovered on testing of Invicti Web Application Security Scanner.


  1. Vendor URL / Patch:
  2. MSL Advisory Link: /web-applications-advisories/open-redirection-vulnerability-in-opal-cms/
  3. Invicti Advisories: /web-applications-advisories/

About Invicti

Invicti Security is transforming the way web applications are secured. Invicti empowers organizations in every industry to scale their overall security operations, make the best use of their security resources, and engage developers in helping to improve their overall security posture.